sign up now

illuminated phrase by you.

Signups for the “The Illuminated Phrase” start today, and close in about two weeks.  I’m no good with deadlines!  I’ve decided to make it show and tell rather than a swap, because we will probably be picking words that are meaningful or funny to ourselves.  Also, I’ve set up a flickr group for the show and tell.  This is a no pressure activity, purely for creative fun.  As I sense there are several of us feeling overwhelmed these days.  Make this one a de-stresser, it doesn’t have to be mailed out, you can photograph your work so the flaws are on the back side, and the limits of how you go about this are totally up to you.  Would like everyone to have their pictures posted on or close to November 1st. 

If you are just popping in here is the idea:

You’re reading a book and you come across an interesting string of words, a phrase, or a description that sticks with you.  Or maybe you have phrases or random words tucked away in a little notebook.  Now you take that phrase or words and you illuminate them in whatever medium you want – paper, printing, embroidery, sewing, photo collage – the list is endless.  Mr. Webster defines the word illuminate this way:  2.  a) to make clear; explain; elucidate  b) to inform; instruct; enlighten  3.  to make illustrious, glorious, or famous   5.  to decorate….with designs, tracings, etc……..   I’ve edited a little.  If anyone is interested let me know.

Looking forward to this!  But seriously if you don’t have time for this or aren’t interested you won’t hurt my feelings at all.  I’d make a great salesman wouldn’t I?  “Here buy this product, but only if you really, really want to.”  “Are you sure you want to buy this from me, hmmmm, maybe you should think about it for a while.”  “Oh, you are going to buy it. Great! Oh, but don’t worry about paying for it.  Here just take it.  No, really I insist.”

21 Comments Add yours

  1. Melinda says:

    no, really I insist! sign me up please!

    this is such a fabulous idea Smooth! I’m really excited to see what everyone will come up with…and always delighted to see how nutty (sleep deprived) I’ll become while trying to execute the perfect idea perfectly!


    (so, you know I’m kidding right?)

  2. When I was a Girl Scout, I knocked on doors and said, “You don’t want to buy any cookies, do you?”

    I’ll join up wit cha.

  3. threesneakybugs says:

    I’m in. What do I have to loose, right? Now for a saying…..

  4. Patricia says:

    I’m in, cuz what else do I have to do?

  5. Anna Y says:

    I’m in and I will go with your suggestion. 😀

  6. ellen kelley says:

    I’m in like Flynn, feeling a thrill like Jill, I wanna go like Jo, wanna do like Boo.
    Seriously, this is a fantastic and beautiful idea, you creative person you.
    There is a bit of a stew of ideas bubbling and brewing here. I am very excited to see what other people come up with. I think that there are going to be some very awesome and inspiring creations.

  7. mayaluna says:

    Oh, I was in even before your stunning sales pitch, but now that you’ve take some of the angst provokers away, I’m in and relaxed…imagine that!

  8. jacquie says:

    i’m in…just cause i love that word…illuminate…and need to push myself out of my box…

  9. jen says:

    i’m in! i can’t wait, i think i know what i’m doing!

  10. applecyder says:

    I am going to be a happy observer on this one. Great idea!

  11. Amy says:

    I love this idea too much, I have no time but I must sign up!

  12. Rachel says:

    I’m definitely in! Now I just have to narrow it down to one phrase…

  13. Martha says:

    Sounds like a good challenge to me!
    I’ll sign up for some no-pressure illumination!

  14. Ellie says:

    Oh yeah. . .I’ve got my phrase. . .I just have to work on the illuminating. And count me among your overwhelmed crowd. At least until I get the hang of this student thing again. .
    Cabin Girl

  15. sispoombah says:

    hi I would like to sign up as well–hope it’s not too late! ;D

  16. Kristina says:

    I also hope it’s not too late – sounds like fun!

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