All good things…

…must come to an end. (Upon great deliberation and despite my goal announcing last week.) Smoothpebble blog has reached its expiration date. No sense in letting it linger, develop a gross smell & a coating of mold. This blog may never have accomplished anything great by standards of greatness. But I showed up each time…

Sugar Shack

Let’s not dawdle here, let’s just get right to it. 3 delicious, sugar coma recipes. And 2 new cooking techniques. That were new to me, in any case. For birthdays around here I try to make something special, delicious, and made from scratch. This year for Nate’s 16th birthday I made an Italian Cream Cake….

Philosophical Fridays

My goal, for the rest of 2014 in this space, is to post twice a week. Tuesdays are going to be what I call “Technique Tuesdays”. On Tuesdays I will explore techniques in various creative endeavors – paper cutting, cooking, DIY, etc. I’m planning to make the first Tuesday of each month a “Template Tuesday”,…

Summer Sizzle

This is a true confession post. A true confession that when summer sizzles, it literally fries my brain. Why else would I do an 11-mile training run around noon, when the temperature is 96 degrees Fahrenheit. And the actual heat index is even higher than that. But I am in training for a half marathon…


I’ve been practicing small moments of meditation this summer. I’ve become aware of how much I live in my head. Using the sense of sound as my focus has helped me be centered, and grounded in the present moment. It is amazing what happens all around me, or how many actual noises I never pay attention…

Echo de menos la playa.*

* I miss the beach. And Mexico. When vacation ends it signals the shift into gearing up for school. BOO!

acknowledging a kindness

This is a paper cut I designed and cut out for very good friends of ours.  I wanted to thank them in some way for letting the boys hunt on their land, and helping us process the deer the boys get. They have a beautiful place, and it’s always fun to go out there and…


I’m thinking of breaking up with my family. Before I tell you why, I’m going to give you a little background information. I grew up in a small town in North Central Kansas. We lived in a neighborhood, with sizable one-acre lots, outside the city limits. Most everyone, whether you lived in town or out…


HOO BOY! Looks like I’m averaging about one blog post a month. I’ve been caught in an undertow. Initially wading and splashing in the surf, unaware that the ocean was slowly gripping me by the ankle with her silky, salty grasp. And before I knew it, I was far from shore. Very far from shore….

one saturday in june

I ran a 5K. I played around with some expired sun print paper. I rode my bike with Mr. Smoothpebble 17.5 miles to Cooky’s Cafe with the wind at our backs. I devoured tender beef brisket with gravy, curly fries, breaded tomatoes, and one piece of chocolate chip pecan pie ala mode. We mounted our…

once upon a time…

Once upon a time there was a little boy who asked Santa for a white tuxedo. He was 8. Then he grew up, and at 15, went to the prom wearing a white tuxedo. We call that story-telling technique – foreshadowing. ; )